Lover, you know I've never touched your soft skin
And lover, your sweet honey lips have not yet kissed mine
Still lover, you have already my heart won
You are always with me; lover always stuck in my mind
Hey lover, when I get to meet your soft skin
And lover, I feel yours press up against mine
While lover, our bodies join together as one
You are always with me; lover always stuck in my mind
Hey lover, if I get to kiss your sweet honey lips
And lover, I can't wait 'til they are pressed against mine
While lover, my tongue reaches out for your tongue
You are always with me; lover always stuck in my mind
Hey lover, when heart hears yours near me
And lover, if it sees your heart dear to mine
While lover, it will sing out songs yet unsung
You are always with me; lover always stuck in my mind
Lover, you know I'm gonna touch your soft skin
And lover, your sweet honey lips will kiss mine
Still lover, you have my fast-beating heart won
You are always with me; lover always stuck in my mind